Google-chrome – way to install Latex, Sage and Gap on a Chromebook


I just acquire a HP Chromebook 14", and I know it's limited for the installation of new applications.

I would like to install Latex, Sage and Gap on it (and also some packages), but I did not find them on Chrome Web Store.

Note that I've found online applications for Latex and Sage (not for Gap), but I'm looking for applications available directly on the laptop (via a terminal for Sage and Gap), not via internet.

If what I'm looking for doesn't exist yet, are there people working on such applications, or can I ask Google for the introduction of such applications?

Best Answer

You can compile and use Sage in a chrooted linux install on a chromebook (requires developer mode). E.g. using crouton ( Another possibility is to just install linux directly, though I suppose that is not what you are asking for.

The sandbox for native chrome apps (i.e. NaCl) is too restrictive for Sage and many other standard unix applications. In particular, you can't fork new processes.

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