Google-chrome – view browser history without it showing I viewed history


There are 2 users on the laptop I want to view the browsing History of. Google chrome is mostly used. If I only view the history, with the other user be able to see that I viewed it? If I want to delete anything from the history, how can I delete it without it showing that something was deleted? Such as if I open a tab from history to view it and then wanted to delete that I opened it?

Best Answer

Chrome stores its history in SQlite 3 database. You can simply read / modify this database file. Be sure to inform users that things done in that system will not be private and their stuff might be gone anytime.

Windows: C:\users\username\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\History

Linux: ~username/.config/google-chrome/Default\History

Open with any SQLite 3 capable software.