Google-chrome – Under what login/boot conditions can Chrome Remote Desktop access a computer? Does this differ by OS

chrome-remote-desktopcross platformgoogle-chromeremote accessremote desktop

If I set up a host computer for permanent remote access via Chrome Remote Desktop, when is it accessible?


  • Is it accessible when it has been locally logged into only by a non-administrator user?
  • Is it accessible when a user (admin or non) is locally logged in who is not the user that installed Chrome Remote Desktop in the first place?
  • Is it accessible when it has been locally logged into and then locked?
  • Is it accessible when it has been powered on but not yet logged into?
  • If not, when, after a restart, does a host computer become accessible? Is there a user-specific service which starts after a particular user logs in that enables Chrome Remote Desktop access? If so, can that service be set up such that it starts with the system (before login)?
  • Is it still accessible when it has been on during a period of time in which its external IP has changed (assuming the host computer's DNS/DHCP have properly updated)?

For the above cases, the following can be assumed:

  • Chrome Remote Desktop was installed in permanent-access mode on the host computer.
  • Chrome is not open on the host computer.
  • The host computer is always connected to a physical (Ethernet) internet connection.

I only have a Windows XP PC to play with right now, but I would like to know those details for other major OSes (Win7, Win8, OSX).

Best Answer

In windows 8.1 I am able to remotely reboot and then login again using Chrome Remote Desktop. So, the remote computer needs to be on and connected to the network, but does not need to be logged in.