Google-chrome – SSL error on youtube and google


This is everything it says. I honestly have no idea what the heck is going on. This just started happening a couple days ago. This is everything it says.

Cannot connect to the real

Something is currently interfering with your secure connection to

Try to reload this page in a few minutes or after switching to a new
network. If you have recently connected to a new Wi-Fi network, finish
logging in before reloading.

If you were to visit right now, you might share
private information with an attacker. To protect your privacy, Chrome
will not load the page until it can establish a secure connection to
the real

Reload Less What does this mean? normally uses encryption (SSL) to protect your
information. When Chrome tried to connect to this
time, returned unusual and incorrect credentials.
Either an attacker is trying to pretend to be, or a
Wi-Fi sign-in screen has interrupted the connection. Your information
is still secure because Chrome stopped the connection before any data
was exchanged.

Network errors and attacks are usually temporary, so this page will
probably work later. You can also try switching to another network.

Technical details has asked Chrome to block any certificates with errors, but the certificate that Chrome received during this connection attempt has an error.
Error type: HSTS failure
Subject: *
Issuer: DigiCert High Assurance CA-3
Public key hashes: sha1/onEq6kt0EoB17E9a33RAQpceLX4= sha256/JDQTMzVwG8Qmk3G7uqLOeSU6xHMsrbtcpgyIoddroaI= sha1/lfnXQ0sc5x3vQhHua+PA4CVvrZU= sha256/emrYgpjLplsXa6OnqyXuj5BgQDPaapisB5WfVm+jrFQ= sha1/gzF+YoVCU9bXeDGQ7JGQVumRueM= sha256/WoiWRyIOVNa9ihaBciRSC7XHjliYS9VwUGOIud4PB18=

Best Answer

Somebody is inferring with your SSL connection. This might be:

  • Doing SSL interception for security reasons. This is often done in companies.
  • You are behind some capture portal, which intercepts connections for unauthorized users to ask them to login or accept the side policy or similar things.
  • Somebody is trying a man-in-the-middle attack. This might also be adware or malware on your own system.

HSTS failure Subject: *

Suddenlink is a cable provider. If this is your ISP than maybe they ask you to authorize somehow , e.g. a capture portal. Try to go directly to their page to find out or use a http-only (no https) target so that their capturing works without errors.