Google-chrome – Secure Connection Failed


I have this problem with Ubuntu, Windows 7, and Safari on my iPhone. There is some type of network issue.

I can't access a growing number of SSL websites because of a secure connection fail. I tried the following:

  • clearing all history
  • enabling TLS fallback
  • reinstalling firefox
  • switching the normal DNS to google's open DNS (
  • disabling UFW (firewall)
  • Using different browsers
  • Installing ntp
  • Running this command: ntpdate
  • Ensuring that ca-certificates is installed and running update-ca-certificates

Example, when I go to this is what happens.

Firefox 52:

enter image description here

Ubuntu browser:

enter image description here


enter image description here

How can I fix this? What can I do to find the source of the problem?

Best Answer

The Cyberoam firewall has a built-in anti-virus. This anti-virus is configured to block all unknown protocols going through port 443. Some websites are configured to send different types of traffic through this port, which the anti-virus may not recognize. To disable this feature:

  • Log into cyberoam.
  • Click on anti-virus in the side menu.
  • Click on http/s.
  • Uncheck the option "Deny Unknown Protocol".
  • Click apply.
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