Google-chrome – Outlook 10 error: General failure. The URL was: Application not found


I am using Outlook 10 and it was opening hyperlinks in Firefox. I uninstalled Firefox and installed Chrome. From Chrome->settings I have set up it as default web browser. The problem is that now Outlook cant open any hyperlinks from outlook messages.

General failure. The URL was: Application not found.

Seems like it tries to open link in Firefox. How this can be fixed?

I tried this General Failure when opening a link in Outlook 2007 but it doesn't help

Best Answer

If I was you, I'll also remove all browsers, reset to the mighty IE and try to open links alone... if that works, then Chrome might be the issue, reinstalling it maybe.. using ccleaner to remove it thoroughly. befroe even trying the bandaid fix below

this could be what you looking for?

HKEY_Current_User, Software, Classes

the entries should look like ChromeHTML or FirefoxHTML


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