Google-chrome – opening files directly from Google Chrome


Installed the Google Chrome today, everything runs surprisingly good and fast/smooth, no problems at all, except one. When I click to download a file, it only offers to save it, but I want it to be like in IE – when you click to, for example, download a .zip file, it would offer you to OPEN or save it. It's uncomfortable for, for example, torrent files and some others too.

I've dug all around it's settings but there are only so few of them…
So the question is – is there any way to enable this functionality? An extension maybe?

Best Answer

When you download the file type you want to opened automatically there will be a dropdown arrow next to the file name in the bottom notification bar. Click that arrow and a menu with an option to "Always open files of this type" can be checked. In the future all files of that type will be opened automatically.

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