Linux – Google Chrome on a fresh CentOS 7.1 not starting up


I am having a bad time trying to run Chrome on my CentOS 7.1 server. I know, it does not have a screen, it's a server. But I installed GNOME anyway and using VNC I can see the screen on a remote computer.

If I execute export DISPLAY=:0;firefox & I can see the firefox running just fine!

The problem is with Chrome. I installed it on my CentOS 7.1 and when I run it as "root" (I know I shouldn't, but in this case I can only run it as root cause no other user is allowed in this server) I get error message that is WELL SPREADED on the Internet and nobody still found a good solution.

I try to run chrome with this:

google-chrome &

I get this error:

[root@ip-172-31-49-160 /]# google-chrome &
[4] 11889
[root@ip-172-31-49-160 /]# [1:1:0912/] Couldn't load libexif.
[1:1:0912/] Bad NaCl helper startup ack (0 bytes)

Unfortunatelly Chrome does not open. What am I doing wrong?



Best Answer

The first error message you're getting should be solvable by installing libexif

apt-get install libexif12

Concerning the second (and most relevant) message, Chrome is not designed to run as root. Running your browser as root is indeed a bad idea from security point of view, so you should do as @testdemoTestlast says and run it using regular user account. If for some reasons you need to run it as root, try

google-chrome --no-sandbox --user-data-dir
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