Google-chrome – missing entries in Chrome history and Omnibox


I'm using Chrome 18.0.1025.11 beta-m, but I've had this problem since switching from Firefox over at least 5 releases.

I've found that history entries are often not reflected in the Omnibox when typing either document titles or URLs and the history search has the same behaviour. I can see the entries in the history, but they're not reflected in search results:

Chrome history vs history search results

Edit: Embedded screenshot showing the problem. No matter how many times I visit the affected sites, they're never reflected in history search or the Omnibox. I don't think this is an Omnibox problem, but something more fundamental w/ history/search.

No matter how specific my search, the missing entries are never displayed. I rely on the browser history constantly for finding pages I've visited to avoid having to bookmark them, but there are dozens of pages affected and it's a real productivity killer.

I've already tried nuking the history completely (ie. uninstalling Chrome, removing all user data, reinstalling) with no luck.

Has anyone else had a similar experience?

Best Answer

Sadly, this is normal. For whatever reason, the Chromium team has yet to implement a comparable addressbar/history feature to Firefox's.

In the meantime, you can try the Better Omnibox extension to improve history and bookmark support in the Omnibox.

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