Google-chrome – Make Chrome stop saving password on a website


I had configured Chrome to save password on one particular website.

But now I don't want Chrome to save it. Naturally, I went to saved passwords from wrench menu and deleted the saved password.

The problem is, whenever I login to that website again, Chrome saves my password again. It's like Chrome thinks that it's supposed to save that password and even if I delete it, it will save it again.

How do I stop this behavior? Is there any way to manually add a website to "Never Saved" list?

Best Answer

If you remove the website form the list at Settings - Advanced settings - Password and forms - Managed saved passwordsand then try to log in again, Chrome should prompt you to save password again. Here you should chose Never for this site in the dropdown. This sould work, I just tested it.

Besides this, I have not found any way to manually add a website to "Never saved".

Read more about this subject in the Google Chrome Help.

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