Google-chrome – How to use vimium to select text from a page



I'm a religious fanatical devoted believer of vimium. It speeds up my internet usage like nothing else. I'm also (naturally) a heavy user of vim itself.


How can I actually select a certain text in a screen using vimium without using a mouse? For example let's say I got this email on the page Is there a way i can for example search for that term first of all, then using vimium highlight the rest of the term as if I'm using a cursor?

so a more practical example
so i simply search for mailto, then as that gets highlighted, i can move the cursor to the end of the term or at least highlight one word at a time. Idas?

Best Answer

If you specifically want to search for mailto but then select verycomplicatedandlong... i.e. search one string in order to find the second (unknown) string, which you then want to select.

/ mailto Enter / veryl Enter v ww y

Shortcut explanation.
/ - Enter search mode.
mailto - Literal search string.
Enter - Normal mode.
/ - Now that you know your second search string, enter search mode again.
veryl - Literal search string.
Enter - Enter normal mode (optionally you can use nN to find other instances of the same search string).
v - Enter visual mode.
ww - Select two words (domain and TLD) or use hl to select one character at a time.
y - yank (copy).

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