Google-chrome – How to use a proxy in a single Chrome profile

google-chromegoogle-chrome-extensionsmultiple instancesPROXY

I am running multiple Google Chrome instances simultaneously, each with a different profile (using --user-data-dir=MyProfileFolder). I would like one of Chrome instances (profiles) use a proxy, and the other connect directly as usual.

The problem is no matter how I try to enable a proxy in some Chrome instance, it affects all other running instances too.

If I simply use ranch -> Options -> Under the Hood -> Change proxy settings, it affexts the entire system, since it's just the general Windows proxy settings page.

If I use an extension like Proxy Switch! or Switch Proxy, once again, enabling the proxy in one instance (profile) affects all others (even though the extension is not even installed in them).

Is there a way around this?

I never had this problem in Firefox.

Best Answer

As you found out, Chrome on Windows uses the system's proxy settings. To use a different proxy for a single instance use the --proxy-server=<host:port> argument. You can add this to the shortcut for that specific profile if you want it to be active on every run.

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