Google-chrome – How to suppress Google Chrome’s virus warning page


On some sites, Google Chrome gives the error

Warning: Something's Not Right Here!"
(web address) contains malware. Your computer might catch a virus if you visit this site.

Every time I see this error, I click the "proceed anyway" link.

Is there a way to suppress this message and enter the site directly?


Best Answer

According to the Chrome privacy/security help file,

  1. Click the wrench icon wrench icon on the browser toolbar.
  2. Select Options (Preferences on Mac and Linux; Settings on Chrome OS).
  3. Click the Under the Hood tab and find the "Privacy" section.
  4. Deselect the "Enable phishing and malware protection" checkbox.

All formatting original.

Note that this will disable the warning for all sites. I think it's a bad idea, but it's the correct answer to your technical question.