Google-chrome – How to stop google redirecting search to https


Over roughly the past 2 weeks Google search has either been painfully slow to return results or simply aborts after 30 seconds or so with 'page can't be displayed'.

I then noticed that the search page was using https:// instead of the usual http://

NB: This occurs when I am NOT logged into Chrome.

How do I disable this and go back to ? I simply don't need or care about my search input strings being possibly visible to someone.

I have nothing to hide and have not felt the need to type my net banking details into the google search box any time lately.

The inconvenience of a painfully slow search so far outweighs this limited privacy benefit it is ridiculous.

I am well aware of the value of HTTPS and rely on it for my internet banking among other things. Obviously HTTPS imposes an overhead and at least it should be able to be turned off for things like search input.

I've researched and found information about a Chrome search option that did disable this, but this option no longer seems to exist.

This seems to be a worrying trend of late where Google seems to believe that they know better than I do (or you) in regard to how we want to use the web.

They have enforced HTTPS in a scenario where it is not required at a large cost of usability

Best Answer

You could try If that one also redirects you to you have the same problem as here

Then you can add to your hosts file.
You can't use https with google anymore.

You can also use for non-ssl searches.