Google-chrome – How to print unprintable web pages

firefoxgoogle-chromeinternet explorerprintingwebpage

I want to print out a web page that seems to be unprintable in both Firefox and Chrome.

It is multiple pages but when I print it out in Firefox and Chrome, they only print the first page. The only way I have found to print out the page is to print it in IE in XPS Document Writer format.

Is there a way to do this in Firefox or Chrome?

Best Answer

As said in my comment, browsers have a problem to print web pages which contain multiple frames and will only print as long as all frames are visible.

To print a single (longer) frame, you have to tell the browser to print it without the others. You can do so by rightclicking into the frame you want to print and choose "Current Frame" -> "Print Frame" (text might vary for other browsers than Firefox)

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