Google-chrome – How to prevent URL redirects in Chrome


When I type in a URL and hit enter, for example, I don't expect to end up somewhere else. I expect an error page if there isn't a site with that URL. But instead I get redirected to another URL (another domain even:

I'm no expert on web technology, but as far I can tell there are two main categories of redirect, DNS/registrar redirects (invisible) and server side redirects (visible, http code 301 or 302).

How do I prevent these server side redirects in Chrome? Best case scenario I get a prompt page telling me the page has a different URL or IP, asking if I want to continue.

Another example is I get redirected to two sites from here, after the first redirect I can glimpse a designed homepage before being moved on to a parking site. I'd like to stop halfway this double redirect and examine the second site.

Best Answer

I realize this is far from a perfect answer, as this will only work for responses that serve up content, but I decided to post it as there are currently zero useful, actionable answers.

As a quick-and-dirty solution you may be able to use the debugger (accessible by F12 or CTRL+SHIFT+I in most browsers) to give your self an opportunity to opt out of a redirect.

Run this line in the console before the page runs any scripts of its own:

window.onbeforeunload = function(){ return 'Leave page?'; };

For example, using Chrome:

  • Open the debugger (F12) and switch to the Sources tab.
  • Press F8 to put the debugger into step-through mode.
  • Navigate to the problematic page. It will begin to load but the debugger won't allow scripts to run.
  • Paste the above code into the console and hit enter.
  • Press F8 again to allow scripts to run and let the page finish loading.
  • Now you will see a prompt before any redirect occurs and you'll have an opportunity to cancel it.
  • If the page repeatedly tries to redirect you, you can tell chrome not to display the dialog again. Further attempts by the page to navigate you elsewhere will fail silently.

Prompt restores user control

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