Google-chrome – How to get the URL of a Gmail or other webapp page in Chrome “application shortcut” mode


In the google chrome web browser, if you want to copy the URL of the current page, in normal browser mode, you'd just copy the URL out of the address bar. But when your web app is running in the special "application shortcut" mode of google chrome, there is no address bar visible.

So how do you find out the URL for your current Gmail message, for instance?

(Ok, this is obviously a Chrome question, not a web app question, but give me points for the effort I put into disguising it…)

Best Answer

The best way to do it is this little workaround:

Right click with your mouse inside the visble area of the web-page somehwhere. A context menu should appear, select "view page source".

Alternativeley just type ctrl-u.

A completely new browser tab will open and in the address bar of this new tab you can see the URL that you are looking for. Just omit the first part of it which says view-source: and copy the remainder to the clipboard for further processing. Don't forget to close that tab, it is no longer necessary.

Unfortunateley the "Copy URL" entry in the system menu has gone away in new versions of google chrome.

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