Google-chrome – How to get rid of Stayfocusd chrome extension


I installed Stayfocusd extension to boost my productivity and minimize time spent reading about dietary habits of Mongol soldiers in Genghis Khan's time, or the detailed differences between shallots and onions.

However I must have set some settings wrong as now I'm not able to visit any site. Even the browser settings page won't open and thus I can't remove the extension.

And worst of all I think I set the blocking period to be 1000 hours.

I can't reinstall chrome as I have my bookmarks and other settings in it. Is there a way to get rid of this evil plugin? (Like starting chrome in safe mode or something)

Best Answer

Go to Preferences → Extensions, and from the list click remove (bin icon on the right)

If that does not help, you can try the following:

  • On Windows 7: close Chrome and go to C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions and remove the offending extension
  • On Ubuntu 12.10 either:
    • go to /home/<username>/.config/google-chrome/Default/Extensions and remove the extension
    • Launch Chrome from the terminal with the -incognito (or --incognito?) flag and remove the extension