Google-chrome – How to disable 3rd party cookies in Chrome


I have both the "stop websites from storing local data" and the "block all third party cookies without exception" settings enabled in Chrome 12 (I'm not sure what the exact names of these settings are in english as I run Chrome with swedish localization). I do however have two problems.

My first problem is that when I'm visiting one of my local news paper's site (and surely other), cookies from is allowed for some reason. I suspect that the reason is that I have added an exception to the domain but as the setting "block all third party cookies without exception" implies, that shouldn't matter.

My second problem is that if I check what cookies are stored on my computer after browsing for a while, I have tons of cookies that are not on my white list. Primarily from ad services.

My expectations from enabling the above mentioned settings was that only cookies that fulfill the two folling requirements would be accepted:

  • the cookies must be from the domain in my address bar
  • the cookies must be from a domain on my whitelist

Apparently this isn't the case. The question is, have I completely misunderstood the settings or is this a bug? And, either way, is there a way to accomplish my desired behavior?

Best Answer

type about:flags

into the url bar and hit enter, then enable "Block all third-party cookies"

enter image description here

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