Google-chrome – How to actually change HTML5 localStorage size in browsers


I'm interested in HTML5's localStorage feature which surprisingly doesn't appear to be all that well documented.

I found this excellent StackOverflow answer about the size limits of localStorage per browser. In that answer, the user states:

…the size of this storage area can be customized by the user (so a 5MB storage area is not guaranteed, nor is it implied) and the user agent.

So I became curious: how could I tweak localStorage settings on my browser (Chrome)? Well I looked high and low. I Googled, Yahooed and Binged. And for the life of me I can't find where localStorage can be configured inside Chrome 38.x.

And although I'm specifically interested in Chrome 38.x, I'll happily welcome any answers that show how to do this from any modern-ish browser.

Best Answer

I think that the answer you are quoting, is missing some key wording, which is

if the agent allows it, the size of this storage area can be customized...

There is some good research on this topic here: Working with quota on mobile browsers

It appears that Chrome doesn't have UI to customize the size of your storage, but there is working being done on an API to request additional storage.