Google-chrome – Google Chrome – Saved Passwords won’t work in Incognito


Post version 18 of Google Chrome, the saved passwords are not working in incognito mode,

I have all my passwords saved within Google chrome. When I go to any login page with saved passwords, for instance Gmail login; using the normal Google chrome mode, The Passwords are auto-filled.

However if I am using Incognito mode, the passwords wont be auto-filled, forcing me to type them.

I am webmaster, having many cPanel passwords stored which i don't wanna type again n again since they are long-complicated, and typing passwords may be vulnerable to key-loggers !!

Does anyone know any workout to this, or probably a hack to the Chrome browser to force it filling Passwords in incognito mode!

Best Answer

This is due to a bug in Chromium (reported here), which will be fixed in the next version.

You can either downgrade to Chrome 18 or upgrade to Chrome 20 beta.