Google-chrome – Google Chrome: increase text size instead of zoom


Firefox has a "Zoom Text Only" setting, if the width of a webpage is just right, but the text is too small. IIRC, this used to be normal in web browsers… not anymore.

Is it possible to do this in Chrome?

I am aware of the Font Size Increase extension, but it's not customizable, and the reviews are bad.

Best Answer

There’s an extension for chrome called Zoom Text Only which changes the size of only text, and preserves image sizes and webpage layout.

It adds the following hotkeys to zoom (only text):

Increase font size: Alt + -
Decrease font size: Alt + =
Reset    font size: Alt + 0

It leaves all of Chrome’s regular zooming functionality alone, so the following hotkeys still work as before:

Zoom out  : Ctrl + - / Ctrl Mouse-Wheel Up
Zoom in   : Ctrl + = / Ctrl Mouse-Wheel Down
Reset zoom: Ctrl + 0

It changes all the fonts on a page without changing the website’s spacing, as seen below.

As a plus for anyone who might be interested, there’s even a link to the source-code on GitHub from the extension’s Chrome Web Store page.


Before zooming with the Zoom Text Only extension


After zooming with the Zoom Text Only extension

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