Google-chrome – Google Chrome extension to edit local HTML files like in MS Word


I have saved several web pages on my local HDD. Is there any GC extension that can highlight text, change text color, editing just like in MS Word? Mainly need WYSIWYG feature. I don't want to use MS Word since when opening the .htm file, Word tent to change some html tags, after saving the changes, the web page will become broken (css or missing tags) in browser.

I can do editing in Chrome Developer Tools (ctrl+shift+i) and save the web page overwriting it. And see the change by pressing F5. Or using Visual Studio to do highlight and bold, however, I just that's too much. Hope there is an easy solution to this.

Best Answer

There are several online editors that will provide what you need - some of them have a Chrome extension or "app". Try ShiftEdit for example - search for it in the Chrome Web store.

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