Google-chrome – Google Chrome does not show all results if I type a searchword into the address bar


It's been two months since I've been using Chrome and now I found the first thing that really annoys me:
If type a word into the address bar I would except to make a search in the history for that particular word. Unfortunately, the search results usually don't include the page I was looking for.

For example, yesterday I've seen a clip on YouTube. Today I want to watch it again, and type the song name in the address bar. Google won't show me the link to the movie.
I literally need to type "youtube SONGNAME" instead of "SONGNAME".

Another example is that in some of my domains, I've an image directory, like this:

I'd except Chrome to suggest both Urls, but Google won't if I type in "". What the heck?

Is there some plugin that uses the input from the address bar, searches for the input in the history (meaning in the page title and the Url) and displays all results in the DropDownBox? That is the only feature I'm missing from firefox.

Best Answer

The address bar shows a mix of web results, see the little globe icon next to them, yes. For history its best ot hit Ctrl-H and search from there. Also see the Search section under the Basic Options page.

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