Google-chrome – flush dns again and again to make the sites load


UPDATE JUNE 4, 2015:-

My ISP provides a Wi-Max (wireless) device which receives the signals and sends it through LAN cable to my laptop. I've been using this device since last 5 years. Today, for a certain reason, my ISP's custom care center replaced the device with a new device. Now, I'm no more facing this issue. So, I think that the problem is in the modem, not in Windows 8.1. I hope that my update will help others.

I'm facing a problem where when I visit a site Google Chrome says to me:-

"This web page is not available"

This happens for many sites. I've searched on Google and have found a fix. If I run the following command of flushing dns caching

ipconfig /flushdns

then I can load the site. But after few seconds or minutes Google Chrome again gives the same (error?) message. "This web page is not available". I need to run the command again and again and it has now become very irritating. Anyone knows the solution of my problem?

OS: Windows 8.1
Browser: Google Chrome (Version 34.0.1847.131 m)

Best Answer

If it is the DNS caching on your system, try stopping and restarting the DNS client service in windows.

You can do this by running the following commands:

net stop dnscache
net start dnscache

Then confirm the cache is clear with:

ipconfig /displaydns

Plan B:

Close and reload Chrome. Confirm chrome is closed by checking in the task manager. (many extensions and plugins like to keep Chrome open in the background - like Hangouts, for example.)

Plan C:

Ping the site...


Pinging [] with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=39ms TTL=52
Reply from bytes=32 time=40ms TTL=52
Reply from bytes=32 time=41ms TTL=52
Reply from bytes=32 time=42ms TTL=52

Ping statistics for
    Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
   Minimum = 39ms, Maximum = 42ms, Average = 40ms

Plan D:

An old Windows adage, but when all else fails, reboot.

Useful site: - check the sites you are trying to access.

Another useful site: - Reports of outages on services and websites.

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