Google-chrome – Editing HTML source code with Google Chrome


In Internet Explorer I can open a local .html file and edit it by selecting "Source" in the "View" menu," make a quick change, and then "Refresh" (reload) the web page.

How can I do that with Google Chrome?

Can I have the .html file open in Windows Notepad? (I like notepad because it's really fast.)

Best Answer

Ctrl+Shift+I or F12 -> Elements, It should show your source. Right click on any element and click Edit as HTML


There are some extensions that look like what you want:

ChromeEditor & Live WebSite Editor look promising.

Added by barlop
I see that (after ctrl-shift-I / F12), right clicking the <HTML..> or </HTML> tag and clicking "edit as html". allows me to edit anywhere within it. Choosing the opening tag means the popup for editing just covers all the html source that's there - which is very neat in terms of space when editing. Choosing the closing tag might be useful as the popup then appears under the html so you see a before/after. Or better, as benjamin says, F2 to edit, ctrl-enter to commit.