Google-chrome – Disabling or configuring blinking (pinned?) tabs in Google Chrome


I've noticed with the latest release of google chrome that any of my pinned tabs will start blinking if there is new (ajax) content available. It's mainly Gmail, Reader, Facebook, Twitter doing this at the moment.

I'm finding it extremely distracting. Does anyone know how to disable the blinking tabs?

Note, I do not want to close the tabs. I am thinking about moving my pinned tabs to a new window that's not always on screen, but I'd prefer not to do this.

Best Answer

It seems that for both Chrome and Firefox, the only solution is to unpin the tabs. The tabs should not have this behavior unless they are pinned, and the flash is due to a change in the title of the page.

An alternative is to use an extension like Stylish, which will allow you to modify the page template, potentially changing the title to a static value that does not change.