Google-chrome – Disable kwallet popups from chrome


I've edited ~/.kde/share/config/kwalletrc and added

[Auto Deny]

In the KDE Wallet Configuration in system settings I've unchecked "Enable the KDE wallet subsystem". This also seems to add:

[Auto Deny]

However I'm still getting a popup when I visit my first page in google chrome. How can I stop it?

I've noticed there are actually two locations for wallets. One in ~/.kde/share/apps/kwallet/ and one in ~/.local/share/kwalletd/. At one point when I changed the KDE colour theme I noticed the popup for chrome was different to the GUI I got through system settings. There's also a duplicate
KDE Wallet Configuration I can get by running kwalletmanager->Settings->Configure Wallet where I get the same options but their own set of values. Even after unchecking "Enable the KDE wallet subsystem" here as well I still get a popup from chrome. What's going on with the mess of multiple config locations and settings pages?

Best Answer

You can completely disable the KWallet backend by adding the following command-line flag to Chrome: --password-store=basic

For instance (if you're using Ubuntu's Chromium build), edit /etc/chromium-browser/default (system-wide) or ~/.chromium-browser.init (per-user) and add the flag to CHROMIUM_FLAGS. E.g.:

# Default settings for chromium-browser. This file is sourced by /bin/sh from
# /usr/bin/chromium-browser

# Options to pass to chromium-browser

If you're using ArchLinux's Chromium build, edit ~/.config/chromium-flags.conf and add:

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