Google-chrome – disable incognito mode in ChromeOS (ChromeBook)


Is there a way to disable incognito mode in ChromeOS (like a ChromeBook) other than Google's Supervised User? I am interested in doing it on my personal ChromeBooks (they are not enterprise devices).

Best Answer

Is there a way to disable incognito mode in ChromeOS?

To disable incognito on chrome/chromium you need to edit the policies. Doing this will prevent you from opening an incognito window via Ctrl+Shift+n, and will also grey out the incognito window option in the options tab in the corner.

If you're using chrome, create the folder /etc/opt/chrome/policies/managed . Or if you're using chromium, create the folder /etc/chromium/policies/managed .

Then create a file in that directory named test_policy.json . It can have any name you want, but it needs the extension to be .json.

Open it in your favorite editor and put:

    "IncognitoModeAvailability": 1

That should do it!

Source: and

Source How to disable Chrome's Incognito Mode?, answer by ryan

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