Google-chrome – Control Google Music with keyboard media keys in Chrome with Logitech SetPoint 5.80.4


I'm a Google Music user and a big fan. I have a Logitech MK710 keyboard & mouse setup, together with SetPoint driver 5.80.4 (Control Center v6.65.62). I would like to be able to use the media keys of my keyboard to control Google Music in Chrome (v37.0.2062.124 m) on Windows 7.

Now, though the media keys of my keyboard work fine with Windows Media Player, but they do nothing in Google Music on Chrome. I've tried to use several Chrome extensions, to no avail.

Also, I've manually entered the keyboard buttons in the Chrome quick key menu (don't know if it's the right terminology in English):

Chrome Quick Key Menu

I've noticed that sometimes (not all the times) when I disable SetPoint (and thus lose all functionality of SetPoint), the media buttons DO work. However, I want it to work all the time and with setpoint enabled.

Does anyone have a clue on how to fix this issue?

P.S.: I've seen some kind of workaround for SetPoint to control Spotify, but Google Chrome is different in that it has no separate client. The workaround is done via the player.ini file
How do I get my Logitech media buttons to control Spotify

Can anyone, maybe Logitech even, give some insights? I tried posting on their support forums, but I cannot register for some technical reasons…

Best Answer

Seems like it's a problem with Logitech SetPoint:

If you don't use any of the specific functions on the keyboard you can install generic keyboard drivers instead.

Or uninstall Logitech SetPoint (if you don't use it for mouse settings, I would do this)

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