Google-chrome – ChromeOS: kill a hung ssh session


I have a hung crosh terminal. I was in a ssh session and the wireless connection dropped. The screen froze. Normally, I open an other one, ssh into the remote machine again, and kill the sshd, and that clears it. However, the sshd on the remote machine closed itself overnight and now the crosh terminal is hung, thinking it's still connected.

What's the best way to kill the crosh terminal? Is there a magic key combo?

Sidenote: Couldn't create tags for crosh, chromeos

Note that I am not using the machine in developer mode.

Best Answer

If you're in developer mode, you can open a shell and kill the ssh process.

kill `ps -u chronos | grep ssh | cut --characters=1-6`

(Assuming you only have 1 ssh session open)

This is nicer than closing the window if you're using panelize and want to keep a shell panel open.

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