Google-chrome – Chrome won’t launch external application after clicking “start application” within “external protocol request” dialog


After clicking on a magnet link (for example one at: Chrome will show the usual "external protocol request" dialog where it asks whether to start the application associated with the protocol or to do nothing.

I choose "start application" but nothing happens. Tried with uninstalling and reinstalling Chrome, running with all extensions disabled, tried incognito mode, tried uninstalling and reinstalling the torrent client, tried installing a different torrent client. Nothing will help. In the latter case (installing a different torrent client) Chrome will reflect that in the external protocol request dialog box (saying that it will launch the new torrent client) but again nothing happens at all.

This has nothing to do with resetting the handling of magnet protocol in "Local State" file, because Chrome it's actually handling it, but then it doesn't start the application.

Chrome version: 50.0.2661.94 m

Running on: Windows 7 64bit

Best Answer

The answer above did not work for me. But this one worked: (dont upvote my answer but his).


1) Goto URL chrome://settings/clearBrowserData

2) Select duration "Past week".

3) Select only "Cookies and other site data"

4) Click "Clear Browsing Data" and browse site again.