Chrome – How to Stop Persistent Redirect to HTTPS for HTTP Site


I'm building a site to replace an older site. The newer site currently is NOT HTTPS. However, the old site is HTTPS. I'm switching between the two sites by toggling an entry in my 'hosts' file.

I occasionally need to access the old site. When I do, it forcibly redirects to https://, but when I switch back to the new site, Chrome is then broken and will not let me get to http:// to the site but forcibly redirects to https:// which gives me the obvious "Privacy Error" warning and screws up a number of other things (it's WordPress, so it asks me to re-login, but I can't).

How the heck can I force Chrome to stop redirecting to https://? I tried chrome://net-internals/#hsts and I deleted the domain security policies for the site, but it seems to do absolutely nothing. Chrome still redirects. I also tried refreshing clearing cache – this doesn't work either.

Best Answer

I have been able to get around this by deleting the domain security policy for the domain:

Go to chrome://net-internals/#hsts
Go towards the end and enter your domain in this textbox and hit delete.

Delete domain security policies Input a domain name to delete its dynamic domain security policies (HSTS and Expect-CT). (You cannot delete preloaded entries.):


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