Google-chrome – Chrome mouse lag


I recently upgraded to Windows 7 Ultimate (without reinstalling, an actual upgrade) and now I'm experiencing some really annoying mouse lag in Chrome. It seems to happen most often when there is a Flash element on the page, though that's not always the case.

I have a Windows Experience base of 7.5 (I just re-ran it), 7.7 in desktop and gaming graphics, and Skyrim still runs fine. I ran an Intel chipset update and re-installed my Catalyst drivers (I uninstalled them first), and I don't have any available Windows Update. I've also re-installed both Chrome and Flash, and I've disabled all of my Chrome extensions. Nothing has helped.

What might be causing this very annoying issue, and what might I do to fix it, short of reformatting?

Thank you.

Best Answer

It seems that you have built-in Chrome's Flash enabled. It may have one/two versions that will conflict with the default Flash. Therefore they will cause lag when viewing Flash content.

In order to use only the default Flash do the following:

  • Type chrome://plugins/ in Chrome's address bar
  • Check for Shockwave Flash versions that point to Chrome's folder. Disable it/them.
  • Default Flash (pointing to System32) should be enabled.
  • Restart the browser and you should be all set.

Watch this video from other device apparently. It shows what I wrote above.

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