Google-chrome – Autofill password in Google Chrome


I have to do a lot of loggin in on webpages and I like that firefox autofills in my passwords, once it knows them…

How can I achieve the same for google chrome?

I have read this post, installed the autofill=true extension but that does not do the job…


Best Answer

why don't you use KeePass Password Safe?

it works with Google Chrome. much safer than storing passwords in a browser.


KeePass features includes Auto-Type, Global Auto-Type Hot Key and Drag&Drop

  • KeePass can minimize itself and type the information of the currently selected entry into dialogs, webforms, etc. Of course, the typing-sequence is 100% user-customizable, read the documentation file for more.
  • KeePass features a global auto-type hot key. When KeePass is running in the background (with opened database) and you press the hot key, it looks up the correct entry and executes its auto-type sequence.
  • All fields, title, username, password, URL and notes can be drag&dropped into other windows.

KeePass is free open source software, a portable version is available.

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