Google-chrome – After virus, Chrome & Internet Explorer won’t connect to the internet, but Firefox works fine

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I cannot connect to the internet with Chrome or Internet Explorer. Firefox works fine.

It seems it happens when I was infected by a "Trojan Horse Generic 17.BWIK", "Trojan Horse SHeur.UHL" and "Fake_Antispyware.FAH". I have removed the threats using AVG anti-virus security. I got Firefox working, but Chrome and IE still cannot connect.

I do not want to lose Chrome History so re-setting would be my last option and uninstall and install will be out of the question. Is there a way around this? I am using XP Pro on a desktop and DSL connection.

Best Answer

Internet Explorer uses your Windows proxy settings when connecting to the internet. I'm not sure about Chrome, but Firefox can use its own settings.

So maybe some of the malware changed your proxy settings to redirect you to some specific website. If the browsers have different settings, then that might explain why one browser can connect but another cannot.

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