Google-chrome – 32-bit Java doesn’t work on 32-bit Chrome


Please understand that this is not a duplicate of the other questions that I have seen so far.

So basically, I installed Java on my system, and when I go to the Java website to let it detect the version, Chrome tells me that the Java plugin is required, and I have to install it. The problem is, I already have Java! Apparently, Chrome didn't see it.

Another question tells users to get the Java 32-bit version (I have Windows 7 64-bit), because Chrome is a 32-bit application. I reinstalled that version instead, but that didn't work either. I went on chrome://plugins/, and Java wasn't on the list. I have Kaspersky PURE 3.0 Total Security, and another place told users to disable that, so I did. That still didn't work.

The error was on the yellow bar saying "Java(TM) is required to display some elements on this page"; beside it was the "Install Plug-in…" button, with the "Problems Installing?" link on the right.

I installed Java 7u45 from Oracle's website. Please help.

Best Answer

Follow link - Chrome and Java

64-Bit Chrome is a MUST for 64 bit Java on Windows. Exact words in above link is- Starting with Chrome version 37, Chrome is available in 64-bit format on Windows. When running 64-bit Chrome, the user must also have 64-bit Java installed.

To check your Chrome-bitness follow below instruction:

In the Chrome address bar enter: chrome://help/ Check the version information. If it is a 64-bit Chrome version, it will have (64-bit) after the version number, otherwise it is a 32-bit version of Chrome.

All you need to install is 64-bit chrome and it will start recognizing Java. Currently 64-bit chrome is available only in its beta version and I am running it happily.

I believe this will end your problems(at least above one :P ).

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