Gnome3 predefining virtual desktops


I've been a loyal user of Gnome 2 for many years now. I wanted to try Gnome 3.Many things in G3 don't bother me at all; however, not being able to predefine virtual desktops really erks the hell out of me. How do I disable dynamic desktops?

My work flow over the past years leaves me with a framework.

  • Desktop1: Windows
  • Desktop6: IRC & Server Monitors

This gives me the ability to play with the remaining 4 desktops.

How can I predefine my 6 desktops so I can immediately assign windows to them, without having to grow to 6 desktops?

Best Answer

Answer to this old question that was not answered, but you still get here from search engines so..

In Gnome 3, if you don't have Gnome Tweak Tools already, install it with sudo apt-get install gnome-tweak-tool.

When you have it, start it up and go to Workspaces tab, change Dynamic to Static, and set amount of Workspaces and weither you want it on primary display only or not.


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