Git Installation Getting Stuck At the End On Windows 10


As you can see from the installation screenshot I'm trying to install Git on another drive (I don't want to install on C:) and its getting stuck.

enter image description here

I'm installing it from the elevated command prompt as it's getting stuck at the end when trying to install the normal way.

I tried installing by selecting right clicking and selecting run as administrator , but still the same problem.

Installation is getting stuck on powershell using chocoletty as well.

enter image description here

Best Answer

This answer may be too late for Alok Y but hope it helps anyone else facing the same problem!

I downloaded git version on my windows 10 64bit and tried to install it in A:(normal partition) drive instead of the C: drive through the executable installer. It installed normally but in the end got stuck i.e the green bar was full but the installation successfull or other message did not show.

Here is what I did:

1.Open task-Manager

2.Select the installation


That's it.After that the installation successful message was printed for a second and the installation box closed by itself.

Checked if git-bash was working properly. As of now everything seems to work well.

Hope this helps!

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