Git GUI on Windows not working with self-signed SSL certificates – gives errors (fatal: SSL certificate)


I'm using git GUI on Windows 7. I need to clone the repository and simply want to just use it.

However, when cloning, pulling, pushing to/from repo with self-signed certificate, I'm getting this error:

enter image description here
enter image description here

I tried to do some workaround:

enter image description here

And checked the path C:\Users\student\.git to see what I have in my config file:

enter image description here

However, I still can't get this work. Does anyone have any clue? How to work with git gui and self-signed certificates?

Summing up:

I have a server where I installed a Git server. I secured the server with self-signed certificate. I created a repository, lets call it X. Now I have problems with clonning/pushing/pulling any repository on my Git server, when using the git gui.

However, when I switched to git cmd, clonning/pushing was ok, when I used those commands:

git -c http.sslVerify=false push
git -c http.sslVerify=false clone https://...

I tried to edit my configuration file located in C:\Users\student\.git by using git config sslVerify=false as admin. However, although I have sslVerify = false in my config file, I still need to use git -c http.sslVerify=false when using git cmd (but let's say, I'm ok with that).

So basically, I need a way to skip the SSL certificate checking when using git gui (its totally secure, I'm using it only on my local network). The question is how to do it with git gui? Is there any option that will set once and for all, that I want to skip the certificate verification part working with git gui?

Best Answer

Please post the output of $ git config --global --list. The command for disabling SSL checks would be git config --global http.sslVerify false.

Get the certificate as a .pem file and set git to trust it $ git config --global http.sslCAInfo /path/to/cert.pem.