Google-chrome – Getting “Google Chrome didn’t shut down correctly” every week


I am getting "Google Chrome didn't shut down correctly" twice a week – it becomes a very annoying problem –
I always fixed this issue by removing the chrome's default user profile and re-opening the chrome, but doing this will remove all my extensions / apps / bookmarks / settings.

but this is happening more often and I keep losing settings

is there a way to end this madness? I am running Win 8.1 / latest version of chrome

Best Answer

I went into Settings / Advanced (in Chrome) and checked the box for "Continue running background apps when Google Chrome is closed" option. This fixed the problem for me.

Ironically, I went to this setting because another user had fixed it by UNCHECKING that option, which worked for him.

Perhaps simply changing the option causes Chrome to clean up something internally. I believe my bogus error msg began when Chrome actually DID fail to shut down correctly, and somehow the error flag got stuck.

EDIT: As of second half of 2018 the "Continue running background apps when Google Chrome is closed" option is now available in Settings > Advanced > System in Google Chrome (Windows 10).

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