Getting a black laptop screen


I get a black screen when I boot my laptop.

The laptop was in sleep mode initially, so when I pressed the power button, it looked as if it woke up from sleep mode, but the screen was blank. So, I held down the power button to force shutdown the laptop and then removed the battery. But after booting the laptop the screen still remains black. The bios/boot screen remains black as well.

I have tried connecting it to external hdmi/vga/s-video devices and booting still no go.

Windows loads fine, as I can type the password and get the 'Ding', then alt-f4 and shutdown windows.

If it helps, the laptop model is Asus G1S-A1.

Thanks in advance!


After several hours of searching for a solution, I have decided to give up on this. The best option is to replace the motherboard, since the GPU is soldered on the MB. I would have happily replaced the MB, but couldn't find a replacement anywhere online.

So, I will have to buy a new laptop (!asus) pretty soon and transfer the data+code.

Thanks for your response.


I got it to work!!!
Opened the laptop and used a hot air gun @200F and heated the GPU for about 1 minute.
Then used a cloth to pressed the chip and held it for sometime. Applied back thermal paste, put back heat sink etc. and voilĂ ! I think, I just got lucky.

Disclaimer: I disclaim any liability for any damages that may result from performing above steps.

Best Answer

That is a tough one -- if it was a desktop machine I would recommend

  1. resetting the BIOS
  2. trying a different video card (if available)

But as a laptop your troubleshooting options are .. more limited. You've tried booting with external video devices which is about all I can think of!

You may want to give ASUS support a call on this one; hopefully it is under warranty?

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