How to Auto-Close Windows 11 Emoji Panel After Typing


The Windows 11 emoji panel/picker/keyboard (opened by Win + . or Win + ;) stays open after I type one emoji, allowing me to keep entering emojis. I'd prefer that the panel closes after I type one emoji because I don't usually enter more than one at a time.

How do I configure Windows 11 to close the emoji panel after a single emoji is entered, and return focus to normal character entry? (i.e. mimicking similar behaviour from mobile devices or macOS's emoji pickers)

Note: Windows 10 had this configurability in 'Advanced Keyboard Settings', but that option no longer appears (as indicated in this SuperUser question that covers Windows 10).

Best Answer

If you go on typing, the emoji keyboard closes by itself.

I found this out accidentally but I now use this as a practical workaround.

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