Windows – Get rid of “The Publisher could not be verified. Are you sure you want to run this software”

depwindows 7

Can I stop "The Publisher could not be verified. Are you sure you want to run this software"? from popuping up when I run an exe? It is really annoying 🙂 Will it require me to completely disable DEP?

(PS I'm running windows 7 32 bit)

Best Answer

To disable this dialogue box for ALL .exe files, you can add the following key to your registry:


Note: this is not advisable, as it opens up your computer to other risks.

Other than that, ClickOff is your friend (a more general approach to such annoyances :)

ClickOff has been written out of a personal need - like most programs here. Questions like "are you sure you want to exit the program?" made me go insane after having seen them a dozen of times.

ClickOff is developed to be the Swiss Army knife for window handling, not just a simple popup blocker.

Here are some key features:

  • Automatically clicks button on error messages that come up all the time.
  • Intuitive user interface.
  • Closes browser popups
  • Minimizes or maximizes windows
  • Delay times can be set to allow user intervention
  • Single buttons can be disabled temporarily
  • False clicks are avoided by taking the message text into the proccess of detecting.
  • To close windows that contain certain words, wildcards can be used
  • The scanning speed can be set
  • Can be disabled for a short period or permanently without having to be exited.
  • Has very low system resource needs, takes about 1 sec. to load and doesn't slow down the system while running.

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ClickOff is freeware.