Windows – Get Cortana to work in English (UK) for Windows 10

cortanalanguageregional settingswindows 10

I upgraded to Windows 10, and Cortana doesn’t seem to be available based on the Start Menu:

Cortana isn’t supported in the region and language you’ve selected.

Start Menu screenshot

but when I click the link, it takes me to this page:

screenshot of help page

which suggests it should be available in the UK, since I've checked

  • my language settings are English (UK),
  • I have the English (UK) language pack installed, and
  • the speech settings are also set to English (UK).

I think this is everything, right?  It certainly ticks the boxes in the Microsoft help article.

How can I get Cortana up & running?

Best Answer

Microsoft states that Cortana is available in the UK.

Even if region, language and input are set to UK, users are unable to get Cortana.

This is a well-known bug from Microsoft.

There's a workaround for that bug.

  • Cortana shows you with two options: Settings and Not Interested.
  • When you click settings it will take you to another page only to tell you that then you cannot enable Cortana as it is "not available in my region".
  • However If you click Not Interested, you'll be taken to a page to setup Cortana.

Someone at Microsoft must have changed the Button's text as an Evil joke

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