Macos – Fullscreen Emacs in OSX


Is there any way of using Emacs in fullscreen mode in OSX.

I'm currently using Emacs from

Edit: This question is not relevant anymore since the release of Emacs version 24.4. Please see the accepted answer.

Best Answer

This feature is present in Emacs 24.4. From the NEWS file:

Changes in Emacs 24.4 on Non-Free Operating Systems


Improved fullscreen support on Mac OS X.

Both native (>= OSX 10.7) and "old style" fullscreen are supported. Customize `ns-use-native-fullscreen' to change style. For >= 10.7 native is the default.


New commands toggle-frame-fullscreen and toggle-frame-maximized, bound to <f11> and M-<f10>, respectively.

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