FTP server hanging when using “ls” command: “Consider using PASV”


I'm trying to use "ls" command on a anonymous FTP session, but when I'm typing the "ls" command I get:

200 PORT command successfull. Consider using PASV.

And it hangs like this (no return to the ftp prompt).

I restarted the ftp session and entered in passive mode (quote PASV), but I get another problem: "No route to host"

Do you have any suggestion ?

Best Answer

quote PASV doesn't enter passive mode the way you think it does – "PASV" is an immediate command (that precedes each and every transfer) instead of a permanent mode-switch command.

Rather, the client must be told to use PASV instead of PORT whenever ls or a file transfer is requested.

With inetutils-ftp, use the passive command, or run the client as pftp or ftp --passive.

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