Word – From Word to PDF including bookmarks

bookmarksmicrosoft wordpdf

I created a Microsoft Word file with Office 2007 and exported it via Jaws PDF Creator.
Now I want some bookmarks or any kind of "linking-action" that makes it easier to navigate through the document. My PDF viewer doesn't allow to create bookmarks in the free version, so I guess I need to handle this via Word! Maybe using a table of content? Anything that is recognized as PDF.

I realised it with using a table of content. It works fine, but that wasn't the solution I have been looking for. I like to have some bookmarks but my PDF creator doesn't take over the one I created in Word. I need to figure out how this could work.

Best Answer

This is easy to do in Word 2007 and 2010. You don't need any third party tools.

In Word 2007, you need the Microsoft PDF Add-In to allow you to save as PDF. Download it from here. In Word 2010 the Add-In is unnecessary.

  1. Open your document
  2. Mark the headings you want using the standard Heading 1, Heading 2, etc. styles. You can create a table of contents too, but you don't have to.
  3. Select Save As > PDF
  4. The first time you do this you have to set an option
    • Click Options
    • Check the Create Bookmarks using headings check box.
    • Click OK
  5. Click Publish

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