Frequent BSoDs regarding memory corruption

bsodmemorywindows 7

I have been getting randoms BSoDs recently and they are becoming more frequent.
The error is always different but it has something to do with memory corruption. Bsods are totally random. Can happen while the computer is idle and while it's doing something CPU/Ram intensive. Can happen after 15 mins and after 8+ hours.

I did a RAM test and it returned no errors on both sticks.

I also ran the driver verifier tool and it caused Windows to crash on boot. It made no logs so I was unable to determine which driver was causing it.

OS: Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit
CPU: AMD A8-5500
RAM: Kingston HyperX 1600Mhz 4GB + 8GB
GPU: Radeon HD 7750

25 Oct – Added a 8GB RAM stick. I had one with 4GB before. This one is the same model just with 8GB.
29 Oct – Halved the amount of virtual memory.
30 Oct – Installed AMD overdrive and did some overclocking. After a couple of days, I restored everything and uninstalled it but bsods continued.
30 Oct – First Bsod.
5 Nov – Second Bsod.
5 Nov – RAM test. No errors.
5 Nov – Driver verifier. Failed to boot.
10 Nov – Third Bsod
15 Nov – 2 more bsods
16 Nov – 2 more bsods

The erros:


Best Answer

1) Check your memory dump with Windbg. (may not help in this case)
2) Check both sticks, one-by-one, not just two of them together.
3) Check the memory thing with Prime95. It can stress memory.

Your PSU may also play a role in this. Especially if you run into BSODs while you do intensive tasks.
Try getting a second one and test stabilty with that.

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