Windows – Frequent BSODs on Windows 7 Professional after replacing Graphics Card (worked fine for ~2 weeks prior)

bsoddriversmemorywindows 7

My computer died around 3 weeks ago due to the Graphics Card failing (Asus Direct CU II 7950, an old 1TB Samsung HDD also failed to power up after this) and just 2 weeks ago we replaced it with a new R9 390. It was working fine for about a week, but recently we've received 4 BSODs in the past 3 days. The first 2 were 0x0000000A and 0x0000001E and after the BSOD, one of the RAM modules stopped being detected (resocketing fixed it).

I was going to run a memtest this evening, however during operation I got 2 more BSODs (relatively quick succession), one being 0x0000003B and then 0x1000007E (BlueScreenView is pointing to hal.dll and Wdf01000.sys for this error). I am not really sure what is wrong with my computer right now, and I need help solving this.

If this is RAM, I intend to run Memtest later to verify, however if it is a driver issue I don't really know how to pinpoint what driver is causing the problem. Hope someone can help shed some light on this.
For my system specs:

  • Mobo: Asus Sabertooth 990FXA
  • Processor: AMD FX-8320E
  • RAM: 2x G.Skill 8GB DDR3 1333Mhz
  • HDD: 2TB Seagate, 1TB Seagate (with windows), 160GB WD
  • GPU: AMD R9 390
  • PSU: Coolermaster Silent Pro 700W

The only recent driver change I've done is uninstall the display driver completely (AMD clean uninstaller tool) and reinstall Crimson 16.3.2. I have had no other system changes during this time.

The previous 3 BSODs were kernel dumps so I cannot really upload them here but I will upload the latest (0x1000007E) BSOD dump here once someone tells me how (as I don't see an attachment option here). I really hope someone can help me with this really big problem.

Thank you very much!

Used DDU to reinstall display drivers, still ended up getting 2 more BSODs:

  • KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED (0x0000001E) pointing to CompositeBus.sys and ntoskrnl.exe
  • NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM (0x00000024) pointing to Ntfs.sys, ntoskrnl.exe and usbccgp.sys

Running a memtest now, hopefully this is really just a RAM issue.

Update 2: Ran memtest and it didn't detect any errors, ran a chkdsk as well and sfc and no errors from them either. Does anyone else have any suggestions perhaps?

Update 3: It is worth noting that the BSODs only happen when I start a game (Dota 2, Fallout 4, Batman Arkham Knight, etc). During normal use (e.g. videos, music, work or browsing) I experience no bsods, but the moment I start up a game it will bsod within a few minutes

Best Answer

In my experience, BSOD is most commonly related to drivers, and specifically, video drivers. However, the corrupt HDD does catch my attention because that would not be a typical result of a failed gfx card. It could potentially damage its PCIe slot though.

First thing is to try reseating all connectors (HDD, RAM, PCIe cards). If youve already tried this, or it fails, I would start narrowing down the possibilities, beginning with the gfx card. Remove it and use the on board graffics. If this works, concentrate on drivers. If fail, test any other PCIe cards in similar fashion. If fail, remove all but two sticks of ram. If fail, swap the RAM with different modules. If fail, try a fresh OS install on a separate disk. If this works, it was a software issue on the prior installation. If fail, you may have a bad motherboard.

I once had DIMM slot 1 die on a mobo, and as a result the rest of the RAM would not initialize properly. I blamed it on a capacitor that looked extra bulgey and moved on to new gear. Good luck.

In response to Update#3 This screams video driver issue. Possibly a 3D/DirectX/OpenGL config somewhere. Make sure DirectX is up to date and check out the dxdiag tool. Try different/older versions of the driver, newer is not always better.

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